Adult Programs


At eQurious we offer range of adult programs which focuses on EQ enhancement in variety of settings.

Unlike the student programs, our adult programs focus on certain topics to help build EQ, They are:

Intelligent Living

This program is predominantly designed for any adult or older teenager who would like to find their ultimate purpose, a balanced/valued and purposeful life and succeed in all spheres of life, by mastering the art of emotional intelligence.

Intelligent Parenting

This program is specifically designed for three types of parents, i) parents to be, ii) parents of younger kids and iii) parents with teenagers. All the relevant modules are taught with specific focus on the challenges and rewards associated with parenting in each category and running a household.

Intelligent Teaching

This program is predominantly designed for educators, including, early childhood educators, child care workers, and school teachers.
All the relevant strategies are taught with specific focus on increasing productivity, reducing burnout rate, by better managing the challenges and enhancing the rewards associated with teaching in an average classroom and school environment.

Intelligent Working

This program is predominantly designed for employees and employers, in any small businesses or large firms. All the relevant strategies are taught with specific focus on increasing productivity, reducing burnout rate, by better managing the challenges and enhancing the rewards associated in various roles and settings. Leadership skills and people management is an integral part of this program.

Each class consists of 40 minutes of EQ experiential learning, followed by 20 minute of mindfulness meditation. Please note that some of the adult programs are offered as a weekend half/full day courses. Please contact us if you're interested.

eQurious Programs

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